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A blog dedicated to empowering you to travel well, in all senses of the word.

Check out my celiac safe, gluten free travel guides from all around the world.
My goal is to make travel easier, safer, and more accessible for you.
Just getting started? Take a look at my recommended gluten free translation cards, shop my gluten free travel essentials, or download my guide to eating out gluten free!
I want to change the way we think about wellness & travel.
I’m an occupational therapist & yoga teacher turned travel blogger & writer. Since 2012, I’ve traveled the world 100% gluten free. Despite multiple chronic illnesses, I still crave adventure, and I believe it’s possible for everyone.
I’m here to help you travel well, however that looks for you.
I believe making an unconventional choice is often the one you won’t regret. I believe that by seeing the world, we can make it a better place for all of us.
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