May 2017 | Recap
Well, May is gone and those semi-annoying yet bittersweet Facebook notifications of “On this day a year ago…” have started to 1) make me really nostalgic, and 2) make me freak out that last May was already a year ago!!! Last year, my May was very exciting as I was paid a visit by three of my best friends from Michigan. I got to show them Plymouth and Cornwall, and we even spent a weekend in London. So this year my May might not have been quite so exciting, but it was still a pretty good one!
Where was I in May?
Plymouth, Exeter, Topsham, Bristol… keeping myself in one country for a change!
Most popular instagram in May…
My favorite instagram in May…
May adventured like…
- For the first month this year, I actually stayed in one country!
- My days have mostly been spent at work placement. I’m on my last work placement for my Masters, working in a mental health rehabilitation setting and I absolutely love it. I still feel very open about my career and quite flexible about what specialty I will go into, but this placement has made it clear to me that both my passion and my strengths lie in mental health.
- I finally saw an orthopedic surgeon and had a minor wrist surgery!!! After two years of near constant and often debilitating wrist pain, I’ve finally been diagnosed (accurately, this time). The surgery was quite minor and my issue is expected to recur (and I’ll need a bigger operation then) but for now my wrist is almost pain FREE, and I can actually get back into yoga for the first time in so long. I am very very very happy about this.
- Although I haven’t traveled much this month, I made it to Exeter and Topsham for some day trips, and I’m going up to Bristol this weekend for a music festival (more on that later…!).
- In lieu of traveling, I’ve been catching up on blog posts from last month’s travels, including free things to do in Girona, a guide to eating gluten free in Girona, and of course my favorite, SWIMMING WITH MANATEES!!
- May also marked the two year anniversary of this lil’ blog, so I had a look back on all the changes of the last two years.
May ate like…
- I haven’t eaten out a ton as I’m trying to save money and also very busy with placement. However I did get to test out the new Slug & Lettuce in Plymouth, complete with flaming prosecco and the largest (also flaming) sundae of ALL TIME EVER.
- And what would a visit to Exeter be without at least one trip to Tea on the Green…
May read / watched like…
- My April reading spree died off a bit in May, mainly because I’ve become obsessed with a couple TV shows. I don’t watch a lot of TV but my family recently got Amazon Prime, and I’ve become a fan of:
- American Gods – super intense and trippy show basically about how technology is destroying society but also a lot of other stuff
- Outlander – a romance/time travel show set in 1743 Scotland that is making me legit PINE to go back to Scotland
Can’t believe I’m already saying it but… here’s to JUNE!! The true beginning of summer, in my eyes. School’s out for summer etc. etc. but sadly for us MSc students, you’ll still be finding me in the library 😉
Sarah xx
Ah I didn’t know about the sculpture in Exeter, we went to Exeter at Christmas and it was so sad to see it all burned 🙁 It sounds like you had a productive month, and hooray for getting your wrist fixed! It’s stuff like that that really impacts quality of life. The NHS can be pretty rad sometimes 🙂
Yeah they were having an art week across the city and my favorite sculpture was definitely the one made from the old hotel! And yessss – major love to the NHS!!! Certainly lots of issues with it but in the end it’s the best and most humanitarian example of healthcare out there, in my opinion!!
I’m so glad you got your wrist surgery and that you are feeling better. I just got back to yoga after a while away. I had sprained my ankle and it took way too long to heal. I loved the book American Gods and I really want to watch the show, but I don’t think it’s on Amazon Prime in America. I will have to wait! I’ve heard such great things about the Outlander series too. I didn’t know it was a show!
Oohh yes I think I remember you writing about spraining your ankle ages ago! It’s slow going getting back into yoga, I can reeeally notice lack of muscle/flexibility but I’m so grateful to be doing it again 🙂 Haha yes it’s funny both my tv shows this month are also books! I usually always read books before watching movies/tv but I think I’m going to need to read these books next month! Yes there are 2 seasons of outlander and it’s been renewed for two more… it’s a bit addictive!!
That’s great that you are back to yoga now, yay to that!! And yay to the start of summer even if you will be in the library! Happy Juneeeeee.
Yessss I’m so happy to be back on the mat!! Which will maybe translate to some yoga related blog posts, we shall see! Happy June to you too!!
Outlander is great, isn’t it?
It’s soooooo good. I’m a bit obsessed – I watch about two episodes a day ?
Well you may have stayed in one country, it still sounds like it was amazing! And congrats on 2 years of blog 😀