December 2017 | Recap

Well, it’s a little belated, but I wanted to share with you guys what I was up to in December! It was one of my 2017 goals to do a “monthly recap” for every single month, and I managed it! The end of the year is already so full of reflective posts that I thought maybe I wouldn’t post my December recap, but I wanted to keep to my goal so here it is 🙂 It’s actually pretty crazy looking back on this month and seeing how many places I actually was – I can’t believe it was just one month ago that I was collecting donations for the refugee camp in Germany!! And managed to get to four other countries as well! Looking back it seems so long ago.

Where was I in December?

Germany (Bielefeld, Cologne), England (Dorset, London), Wales (Snowdonia!), Iceland (Reykjavik, Golden Circle), USA (Michigan)

Most popular Instagram in December…

My favorite Instagram in December…

December adventured like…

  • This was my final month of “nomad life.” If you want a recap of the whole adventure, living without a home base and traveling 12 countries in 4 months, you can read my post here. 🙂
  • I spent the beginning of the month in Germany collecting donations for the refugee camp I worked at. We were supposed to do a big roadtrip across Germany to Northern France but unfortunately my friend’s van broke down! But I enjoyed my time in Germany anyway 🙂
  • I ended up taking a last-minute 36 hour bus back to England. I had to make it back because Dan and I had planned a roadtrip to Snowdonia!! We wanted to hike the mountain but we went on the weekend of the big snowstorm!  Sooo we didn’t end up hiking the mountain, but we did go ziplining in an underground cavern, trampolining at the bottom of a mine, and stayed in a 100% carbon emission free bed & breakfast. It was also really lovely as our final time together before my visa expired and I had to leave the UK
  • Well, instead of just leaving the UK and going straight home, I had a long layover (2 nights!) in Iceland. It was incredible and I actually have two posts lined up about it, one about the awesome space pod I slept in, so look out for those this month!
  • The big event of the month for me was the expiration of my visa. Although I am really excited for things ahead, I am also still emotional about leaving my home in the UK behind. One thing I’ve realized about living as an expat (repat?) is that simultaneously it feels like you have many homes, and no home at all.
enjoying the cotswolds on our drive to wales!
a snowy stroll on my last full day in england
absolutely loved my space pod bed at my icelandic hostel!!!
christmas morning in snowy michigan 🙂

December read like…

  • I finished Frenchman’s Creek by Daphne DuMaurier which had me missing Cornwall. Besides Rebecca this is now my favorite book of hers!
  • I also got a [amazon_textlink asin=’B00QJDO0QC’ text=’Paperwhite Kindle’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’sarahccbence-21′ marketplace=’UK’ link_id=’8c0ac377-f25f-11e7-a4f9-6bed2e9bedcb’] for Christmas and it has seriously increased my reading speed – like exponentially! I mean, not my speed itself, but I’m finding myself reading so much more because taking the kindle around is so much easier than a big book. Every time I’m waiting for something I just whip out my kindle – so much that I managed to read three more books this month! (Friend Request by Laura Marshall, After Tomorrow by Gillian Cross, and Sweet Little Lies by Caz Frear).

December mantras…

Here’s to a new month, and a new year! If you want to see some of my travel plans for 2018, you can read my post on it here. Other than that – I’m going to be bringing some new things to the blog this year, including more wellness content.

I also am hosting a mini Instagram challenge this month called #AHeartFullOfDistances with my cohost @aheartfullofhope – it’s all about radical self-care and outdoor time. It’s not a strict challenge but I’d love if you’d join in whenever you can (we will be sending out a wee care package to a random participant at the end of the month). To see the rules just look at the stories hilight on my Instagram profile 🙂

Here’s to 2018!


Sarah xx

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