Pennywell Farm: Cuddle Mini Pigs in Devon, England!
I’ve had a rather odd item on my bucket list for a while now… heading to Pennywell Farm to cuddle mini pigs! I’m not sure how I first heard of Pennywell Farm, but it’s been on my radar ever since I lived in Exeter almost four years ago. As I approach the end of my time living in the Southwest, I’ve been trying to tick my Devon and Cornwall bucket list items. Pennywell Farm had finally made it to the top of that list!
As you are all probably aware from my recent instagram stress-captions, I have been in the throes of my MSc dissertation. So a hard earned pig-cuddling session was definitely due!!
Why you need to visit Pennywell Farm
Mini pigs… need I say more?! Okay, okay, here goes. I couldn’t quite believe it, but yes you can actually hold and cuddle the mini pigs at Pennywell Farm. The farm is quite unique in that they have mini pig cuddling all day, every day. You can pet and play with most of the other animals as well – this is a very hands on farm and I’m all about that!
How cute are those babies?!
We originally headed to Pennywell Farm because we knew this was the only place in southwest England where we could cuddle mini pigs. However we also cuddled rabbits, guinea pigs, a friendly rat, and more!
Pennywell Farm events
Pennywell Farm holds events throughout the entire day. On the day we visited, we saw a falconry show, a hedgehog exhibit, and my favorite: the daily miniature pig races! You may be wondering what on earth a pig race is, and let me tell you… very adorable!
We visited Pennywell Farm on a rather drizzly day, providing a moody backdrop for the big race.
It was very tense… in the starting blocks were Albert Einswine, Amy Swinehouse, Snoop Hog, and Stephen Porking. All odds were in the favor of Snoop Hogg…
They passed on the first leg of the race in a blur…
Amy Swinehouse displayed some unporksmanlike conduct…
Everything was going well… (Until the racers got a bit distracted and had to be set to the task again)
On the return lap Snoop Hogg took a strong lead…
But Amy Swinehouse had a bit more to give!
With perfect form she began to overtake Albert Einswine for the silver…
And in fourth Stephen Porking wasn’t giving up!
It was a nail bitingly tense experience (I jest). I think I was cheering for the Pennywell pigs more than the many 3 and 4 year olds in the audience. Whoops! Just goes to show you that Pennywell Farm is a great experience for absolutely all age groups.
How to get to Pennywell Farm
One reason it took me so long to make it to Pennywell is because it is quite remote (being, ya know, a farm and all). Pennywell Farm is actually on an unnamed country lane. However, it’s situated in Devon, right between Exeter and Plymouth, making it only a 30 minute drive from each city.
- Car: The easiest way, by far, is by car. Enter the Sat Nav code: TQ11 0LT
- Public Transit: On public transport, the closest train station is Totnes. From there you can take local buses (the 913) or a taxi.
- You can also use the website Rome2Rio to get directions from your specific location.
Pennywell Farm Prices and Hours
Tickets to Pennywell Farm are reasonably priced if you plan on spending the entire day, which I recommend. They range from £10.95 (students and concessions) to £14.95 for adults. You can check current prices here.
The farm is open 10am-5pm when it is in season. It does close during the winter months. For seasonal closures, check here.
Pennywell Farm, TQ11 0LT
Where to Stay Near Pennywell Farm
If you are visiting from further afield, then I definitely recommend taking some time to explore southwest England. My adopted region has so many great things to offer. Close to Pennywell Farm, you can stay in historic and gorgeous villages like Totnes or Buckfastleigh, or in a larger city like Exeter or Plymouth. Plymouth in particular puts you right on the coast and gives you access to Cornwall.
Check local hotel deals on Tripadvisor, Hotels Combined, or through the search widget below!
So, what do you think? Is cuddling mini pigs in England at Pennywell Farm on your bucket list? More importantly… do you think Amy Swinehouse deserved a rematch?!
Sarah xx
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very cute:)
Thank you Tanja!
TOO CUTE TOO CUTE!!! Bet that is such a great stress reliever! I don’t have any pets to cuddle (or a mini pig farm near me), but I do occasionally go over to my brother-in-law’s house to cuddle my baby nephew and play with my little niece … same effect, basically, except probably more tiring, haha!!
I knowwwwww!!! Literally the best stress relief. Next time I do a Masters degree I’m going to make sure I make friends with some mini pig farmers first!!
OMG how friggin’ adorable!!! I would totally do this!! #WanderfulWednesday
They were the CUDDLIEST!
OMGGGGG I was squealing the whole time! I LOVE anything animal related and this is just TOO cute! Look at their little faces and noses!!! And the names! Ahhhh I would just spend the whole day there and never leave. I’ve actually never seen a mini pig before and I want to so badly! They’re too adorable!
Hahaha I love it!! The names were hilarious – I wish I had made them up myself!!
NNNAAAAWWWW! Mini Pigs! It’s all I can do to stop myself from making weird maternal noises. These pigs are gorgeous! I want one to sleep on my arm! #WanderfulWednesday
Hahaha weird maternal noises FTW – that was me the WHOLE time.
I think my heart just exploded!! Seriously, these pigs are so so cute! Now, how do I fit this into my Christmas trip to London?!
Haha you must!!!!
That little pig looks so happy and peaceful in your arms. They’re adorable. Have you seen Okja? It’s about a super pig. It’s a great movie, but a bit of a tearjerker. I loved it.
Omg they were sooo cute!! Some were squealing but others were just soo happy to fall asleep in our arms!
OMG so so cute!!
the cutest!!
Ahhhhh so cuttteeeee!!! I am currently planning a trip to England and my boyfriend loves pigs, I will definitely be adding this to the to do list. Thanks 🙂
Yessss please do!! It’s quite out of the way without a car, but if you are renting a car and heading through devon/cornwall it is DEF worth a stop! Let me know if you have any questions 🙂
I know I’m repeating all the comments here but I can’t help saying these little pigs look soooo cute! And this is such a coincidence, but I’m going to Devon in 2 weeks so I think I’ll have to drop by and give these little cuties som hugs! Thanks for sharing!
Hahaha everyone loves ’em! Omg You HAVE to drop by!! Let me know if you have any questions about how to get to them! 🙂
Pigs do seem to love the attention. I’m a regular backscratcher for some that are fairly local to us.
They do – they loved the cuddle from everyone!! And…lucky you!!
Omggggg :(((( These photos are SO cute, I am so jealous!
If you ever get to Devon you’ve got to pay a visit, Gabby!
AHHHHHHHH! I weirdly have an obsession with mini pigs! They are just the cutest. This seriously looks like exactly what I need right now. Been super stressed with work and planning my upcoming vacations/fitting in blogging and having any kid of social life, so I could definitely use an anti-stress pig cuddle! Where do I sign up?!
Hahahaha that’s not weird at all – who could possibly resist a mini pig?!? Ahh yeah it really sounds like you need some mini pig cuddles. Best of luck with the work grind!!
That looks like the BEST stress relief – SO MUCH CUTE!! 😀