The Couple’s Travel Quiz Tag
Sarah and Dan (!) here for a special edition blog post: the couple’s travel quiz!
If you travel with a partner, friend, or basically just often travel with one other person, I hope you’ll give our little quiz a shot.
It was the hottest day of our travels and Dan and I had just walked to the top of Gellert Hill overlooking Budapest… to find ourselves completely exhausted. So we found a spot of shade to laze in while we hydrated our way out of seeing mirages. Whilst in the shade, I got an email that the September travel linkup would be on the simple topic: “10 things.” Perhaps induced by the heat and mirages, we decided to play a little game based on the prompt.
Dan and I each came up with five questions for the other person, based on travel, and then switched question sets and answered as if we were the other person. And so… the couple’s travel quiz was born! I’m not sure what the other tourists thought as they passed us on this hill cackling to ourselves instead of actually looking at the Budapest skyline. Ah well! It was a fun way to survive the heat!
The World’s Greatest Couple’s Travel Quiz
Round 1: Sarah
1.Where are you most likely to find Sarah in a new city she travels to?
Dan’s predicted answer for Sarah: You’d find Sarah in the gluten free aisle in a grocery store.
Sarah’s actual answer: I was going to say a gluten free restaurant really far away…classic… so his answer is really not too far off, and perhaps painting me in a better and more practical light than I deserve ?
2. What is Sarah’s traveling downfall?
Dan’s predicted answer for Sarah: She can’t eat anything!!
Sarah’s actual answer: Being gluten free would be my answer… sooo, yeah.
3. What is Sarah’s traveling personality?
Dan’s predicted answer for Sarah: Ugh this one is hard to think of the right term… I would say “bucketlister.”
Sarah’s actual answer: I was going to say the “director” but I guess I am a bit of a bucketlister as well… comes with the travel blog ya know!
4. Why does Sarah like to travel?
Dan’s predicted answer for Sarah: She loves seeing new cultures.
Sarah’s actual answer: This is a really hard one to answer and I’m tempted to just say I love traveling because I’m restless. But I do think I’m restless because I know now how many other cultures and people and places are out there and I want to experience them all.
5. What is most fun about traveling with Sarah? 🙂
Dan’s predicted answer for Sarah: Seeing her face light up about something interesting (or a gluten free cafe).
Sarah’s actual answer: Haha that is definitely a cheesy answer from Dan ? I thought he’d say something more like I find weird things to do and then force my traveling companions to walk really far to go do them…..
Round 2: Dan
1. What is the place Dan least wants to travel to?
Sarah’s predicted answer for Dan: Pretty sure he would go everywhere… so I’ll cheat a bit and say Dan least wants to go anywhere he has already been! He wants to see everything!
Dan’s actual answer: Just like I’m not bothered about seeing a movie more than once (yes, even my favorites) I have no burning desire to revisit any of the previous countries I’ve been to (although some of my favorites are enticing), therefore probably places in Europe that I’ve already been to many times such as France.
2. What is Dan’s favorite part about a new country?
Sarah’s predicted answer for Dan: Definitely tasting all of the local traditional food.
Dan’s actual answer: I like to explore the culture of each new place and with that its normally the traditional cuisine, maybe just an excuse to eat more than I should?
3. What is Dan’s annoying habit at the dinner table while traveling?
Sarah’s predicted answer for Dan: BBC Sport!!!!
Dan’s actual answer: I knew Sarah would say BBC sport, yet the wifi at each cafe/restaurant always lures me to catch up with the sport of the day. She isn’t too good at not being on her phone mind you, always looking at her blog’s new comments!
4. What does Dan dislike about traveling?
Sarah’s predicted answer for Dan: He hates spending money.
Dan’s actual answer: I was between not being within an hour of family or the money so I guess Sarah is right, which also explains why I prefer traveling to countries which don’t have the Euro – more bang for your buck!
5. What is Dan’s travel superpower?
Sarah’s predicted answer for Dan: He puts up with me no matter what 🙂
Dan’s actual answer: Now she’s just sucking up to me after having to deal with a hangry Sarah during most of the trip. Being able to put up with a angry gluten free hungry traveller is some sort of power that I’m pleased to possess.
Want to join in? Here are the RULES!
- Grab your favorite travel buddy and hold ’em down long enough to get a blog post out!
- Copy and paste our quiz from above (but replace the bolded names with your own names)
- Each person chooses either set 1 or 2 of questions, and answers them with what they think the other person would say.
- Switch question sets and write your own answers, seeing how correct your partner was!
- Post your answers!
Consider yourself tagged! Feel free to change any questions and alter it for yourselves. Oh, and thanks again to the monthly travel linkup for the prompt “10 things” for inspiring us!!
Sarah xx
Pin it for later…
*This post is part of a monthly travel linkup hosted by SilverSpoon London, Follow Your Sunshine, Adventures of a London Kiwi and Erin Out and About !
*I’m linking up with Lauren of Lauren on Location, Van of Snow in Tromso, Isabel of The Sunny Side of This, and Marcella of What a Wonderful World for Wanderful Wednesday.
Ahhh, this is such a fun post and idea! I’m a sucker for these types of couples quizzes (mostly because A & I always dominate them – haha) so it was really fun to see your answers! Nothing helps you get to know another person’s quirks quite like travel, amirite? 😉
Haha thanks Cynthia!! Yes travel seems to be the one – you literally can’t escape the person so if you didn’t already know them well, now you REALLY do! Luckily we are okay with that haha. Let me know if you decide to give it a shot with your husband I would love to read it!
Loveeee this so much! 🙂 This is so much fun and I loved reading all of your answers and getting to know your travel style a bit more. Now I need to see if Carlos will agree to do this with me 😉
Thanks Marcella! You and Carlos should definitely give it a try! Trust me, it took long enough to pin Dan down to actually write it (we did it out loud in Budapest just writing the questions, but not full-on blog-style)
What cuteness is this!? Would be fun to see how well my husband knows me haha #WanderfulWednesday
Hahaha you should definitely give it a shot and let me know if you do!! I was genuinely shocked how many we got right haha
This is so great! How cute are you guys? I’ll have to snag my travel buddy and try it out myself 🙂
Haha thank you Erin 🙂 You should – let me know if you do, I would love to read it!!
This is such an amazing post!! And what an awesome video that could have been! I might have to do this with my bf too! So funny that you both were right about each other most of the time 🙂
Hahaha thank you Van – yes please do try! I would love to read what you two have to say! Haha yeah we really were right about each other, we are both too predictable lol.
fun idea! #travellinkup
Thanks Tanja!! You should give it a try 😉
This is so cute! I’m going to have to try this with my boyfriend 🙂
Ahhh yes please do, I would love to read yours (and his! :P)
I love this! I would love to do this with Lyndon… he would be like Uhhh why are you asking me these questions lol but I think I could pull some answers from him. I’m totally like your BF… I have a weird thing about going to places I’ve already been too. Even though I’ve been back to numerous cities before.
Hahaha you definitely should!! Dan has so far steered clear of being featured on the blog (apart from being my unwitting candid model) but this was a good introduction I think. It was actually really fun to do as we were just too overheated to actually move!
I definitely think my husband would say his superpower is dealing with a hangry/allergy-ridden Jamie as well, hahaha! such a fun idea 🙂
Hahah it truly is 😛 I laughed when I read that.
What a fun post and idea! It’s cute how you and Dan know each other so well.
Ahh thanks 🙂 It’s a bit scary how well we do aha.
This is such a fun post! I don’t currently have a “travel partner” perse, but I do travel a lot with my roommate Kaitlyn hahah .. Maybe I’ll try this with her! You guys are adorable and I loved all of your answers. I think you and I would get a long just fine traveling together- I’m one of those “I find weird things to do and then force my traveling companions to walk really far to go do them” kind of traveler as well haha
So fun! I might have to join in with my husband :).
This was such a fun post and I love doing travel tags! They are great for travel partners! Btw your pictures are really beautiful!
Hahaha, this is brilliant!
This is amazing! I’m going to try it with my boyfriend tonight, haha. He always loves to remind me of the time I bragged about how I never get jet lag (this was before our first international trip together) and upon arriving in Iceland, I was the biggest grump ever and immediately passed out on our hotel bed for hours. When I woke up, he said, “I don’t get jet-lagged” in a mocking voice. Rude! Hahah but he was right…
Too cute! You two know each other pretty well 😀