Remember, Remember the 5th of November
Only England would celebrate the day they saved Parliament from getting blown up… by blowing things up.
Happy Guy Fawkes day everyone!
Plymouth goes all out for this holiday and people flock from all over the Southwest. The Hoe was transformed into a spectacular carnival. Whether it’s for the food stalls…
Beautifully lit Smeaton’s Lighthouse…
Events at local restaurants… (We stopped by the Mayflower Sailing Club for some warmth and pints)
Or, of course, the explosives…
A good time was had! Personally, it was weird to experience fireworks in the drizzly chill of November. I associate fireworks with Fourth of July by the lake, so this was a very new experience for me!
Ultimately the crowds got the best of us and we headed back as tomorrow morning we are off bright and early to London for my dad’s last weekend in England.
Here’s hoping everyone had a nice Guy Fawkes Day/Bonfire Night/5th of November … Or just Thursday if you don’t celebrate.
Sarah xx